Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Good golly Miss Molly!!!

WHEW!! I'm only on day 2 of this ordeal and I already feel like the life has been sucked out of my by school and the baby. It doesn't help that one has to lug around 80 lbs of books either!!!! Great new tip: ASK FOR A LOCKER. Not all sdchools have lockers, in this case, see if there are desks in the library for personal use. You will THANK ME!

Off to finish the ritualized hazing that is the first week of 1L year. Til next time.

Tired, cranky, and pretty much fed up already.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Brief 1: Last Minute Preparations

(11w 6d)

Less than 72 hours to go until I step foot into the first day of Orientation, and boy am I excited!!! And scared to death as well :-) Not that I'm going to show any sign of weakness! Imagine the strength you already possess of taking on not only one of the hardest graduate programs in the country but also the creating of LIFE at the same time!! No one else in that class will have the same strength :) Focus on that and not your knocking and shaking knees!

The goal for the semester (as of now). **Stay ahead of the game** Anticipate. This actually seems to make this year all that most interesting. (As if the unknown and threat of law professors wasn't anxiety-ridden enough!)

In fact, the idea of other things to anticipate came to mind and I sat down to come up with a list. Law school is a whirlwind enough, stopping to run a mere errand amongst case briefs, readings, and doctors appointments could be as impossible as opening an umbrella in a hurricane. NOW is the time to work on these. If you are already in the school year, these still pertain to you. Do these IMMEDIATELY!

---ROLLING BRIEFCASE: I had a revelation this past week while struggling to carry my 30 lb sack of bones (i.e. my 4 year old son) up the stairs. How in the world at 9 months pregnant will I carry ALL THOSE BOOKS AND THE LAPTOP? I promptly went out and purchased a rolling bag. Target and Walmart carry inexpensive yet quality ones that I am sure will do the job! If you have not received your reading list for the year yet, let's just say I probably have 2-3 REQUIRED books per class, not counting supplemental material. This may seem supurfulous but in the grand scheme, I don't want to be knocking down the doors of every office store trying to find a bag when all other students have procured theirs AFTER finding out they need them (And they aren't even pregnant!!). If anyone has endured pregnancy, or seen a pregnant women at 6-9 months, we're already breathless and swollen, let's try to make this as easy as possible!! This is Rachel's #1 tip for school supply preparation for law school: ROLLING BRIEFCASE!

---DATE PLANNER: A close #2 for that school supply preparation list is the purchase of a date planner to record ALL events. Pregnancy hormones have a way of eliminating brain power, which will already be consumed with Torts, Property & Contracts. Make sure to purchase and enter all information and keep up with this.

---CLOTHES: Another thought was the idea of staying below the radar from the professors. Entering into the first year of law school already targets you as fresh meat for those hungry salivating law professors who have waited all summer to pounce on you on the first day. The very protrusion of a baby bump can bring with it wanted & unwanted attention, jokes, and even an underestimation of you by the Professors. The bullseye already drawn on my forehead is going to be avoided from growing in size if possible through disguise of clothes. I have found that A-line shirts provide that shade of the protruding baby muffin top without saying "pregnant". Since I am only ending my first trimester, I may be able to slip by for a while and just look like I indulged in one too many donuts in the student break room.

**(Note: I have already informed the school solely based on the welcoming atmosphere of the faculty & to gain an idea for what is expected around delivery time as far as attendance is concerned. NOt all law schools are as welcoming and generous. Some have a strict attendance policy and others don't. Check with your law school simply on the attendance policy and judge if you need to fill them in prior to entrance and/or showing of the baby bump).**

---DOCTOR: Set up preexisting appointments with the OB. Check with the office for their cancellation policy in case a last minute issue comes up at school. Nothing is more important than your child but rescheduling of appointments can and WILL occur

---EMERGENCY CONTACTS: Have a list of emergency numbers available in your bag

---Inform the school when you are ready (It's always best they hear it from you, not someone else).

---REGISTRY: Start thinking on what you will need to purchase and the timeline that the delivery would fall within the school year (If you're lucky it'll be in the summer or fall break! That didnt' happen with me so I'm just winging it!)

---NUTRITION: Carry snacks with you!! Portable snacks and water are vital to the nutrition of the baby, as well as being available during the day. Who wants to risk losing their prime spot in the library for studying by having to slowly waddle down to the vending machine?

---Don't forget to log your pregnancy. (With all the bustle of law school your pregnancy you fly by and you'll want to reflect on this time. Maybe not the torture of the socratic method, but perhaps how the little one kicked your bladder all during your midterm exams)

I will be sitting down each week (Hopefully) to fulfill my weekly goal of blogging and anticipating what will be to come (Dr appts, upcoming milestones in pregnancy, school events, finals, etc). At the end of all this I will edit to make sure all experiences are not simply anticipations, but more of reality :)

Happy blogging & pregnancy!