Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Battling morning sickness

I have the nervous bubble guts (not the gross kind. More like the want to throw up from nervousness and morning sickness kind. Okay that's gross too). I realized I have 33 days until Dean's Reception & Orientation.

After talking about law school for years, it's finally here. And so is the morning sickness, as my last few blog posts mentioned. Think I've found the key. Ginger root capsules X 3 times a day. :-) Now if only ginger root could heal law school anticipation and nervousness....

Although I was lucky enough to have the bulk of my first trimester in the summer, many of you are not so lucky and are battling the morning sickness during law school. Here are some tips to coping:

---WATER, WATER, WATER. Even if you don't want to drink, you will find that water can help to cure most ailments during pregnancy

---Preggie Pops - These lollipops can be found online or in grocery stores. They are chalk full of ginger and will help to ease your stomach

---Natural vitamins- B6 and ginger pills will most definitely help to ease the queasiness but DO NOT take on an empty stomach. When they come back up, it's not so nice.

---Talk to your doctor. ALWAYS talk to your doctor if you have immense morning sickness. They can perhaps prescribe something for you. Mine recommended dramamine, unisom (which is a sleepaid but loses effect after the first few uses) and B6). Honestly, I didn't use any of these. I stuck to the preggo pops but I hear they work wonders

---Eat SMALL meals. Do NOT indulge in that large cheeseburger and frenchfries just b/c the 2inch fetus inside your belly WANTS you to. You WILL be regretting it as you're over the toilet. Small and bland meals will help you most. Now is when you should carry with you crackers and water.

Happy Pregnancy :)

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