Thursday, July 2, 2009

Home stretch of summer....

Here I am in the home stretch of summer, and have read every self-help law student guide under the sun.  Apartment was leased, all books were purchased, financial aid was (mostly) completed, however, things have taken for a quick turn recently.  

This week we found out that we will be expecting baby #2 in March.  

Yes, smack dab in the middle of Spring semester.  That allows for the timeline to leave morning sickness during orientation and beginning of law school. I'm prepared to do what I need to do.  I haven't come this far to back off and run away.  Now more than ever I have felt a motivation and push to fulfill my dreams as well as what is planned for my life.  I greatly appreciate all my friends and family who have refrained from asking if I'm capable of doing this.  I think by this point in my life they know (a) I can and (b) if I couldn't, the mere question of doubting me would inspire me to kick butt more than ever.

It definitely helps how supportive my parents and husband have been.  They've been reassuringabout this entire process so far :) (All 3 days of it!)

I am starting this blog a few weeks prior to moving to get a head-start on my journey through law school and pregnancy.  I hope that the real life lessons learned in this blog will evolve into a helpful list of hints and references for future families who contemplate pursuing law school during a pregnancy and with a newborn.  I have been discouraged reading the internet at the lack of resources and negativity in forums over pregnancy in law school.  Anything can be accomplished if you want to and have to.  I hope to inspire others who find themselves blessed in this way to continue their education and follow their dreams.

The goal here is not to talk about all the disgusting factors of pregnancy. Rather, this is the focus on survival of a mom entering the battlefield of law school amongst the Socratic Method and all nighters while attempting to subdue morning sickness and make it to OB appointments.

Thank you to my friend January for the clever title of "diapers & briefs".  Thanks for tuning in and I hope to provide some comic relief mixed among all the stressful months that lay ahead! Feel free to leave comments, I'd love to hear some feedback.  

Until next time,

Pre-1L - Rachel

1 comment:

  1. You won't catch me as one of the nay-sayers. Heck I've got my own circus here with 2 teenagers, an early elementary schooler, and another coming in September all with a job, trying to buy a house, and a husband who works a crazy retail job. Two kids? piece.of.cake.
    And I love the blog name.
