Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Straight Up Sick.

Yesterday I posted about queasiness, the further along I go the more I realize that it's getting worse.  With my son, morning sickness arrived one day and never left.  I'm apprehensive about school classes while attempting to not puke all over myself.  Trip to the grocery store yesterday led me to smell every offensive smell possible; fish market, body odor, cleaning products.  Even the delectable looking cakes smelled like rat poison.  Ahh...to have my lack of smell sense back to normal..hurry up!

This ongoing and increasing morning sickness is leading to many doubts on whether I will be able to endure the critical first few weeks of law school.

In the words of a a favorite tank engine, I think I can I think I can. Not throw up. Not throw up.


1 comment:

  1. You will make it through! Except for the grocery people with body odor. That will never get better. *grin*

    Hang in there. I know it feels like an eternity. But it's worth it.
